Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Instagram Photo A Day

I do love Instagram. The instant way we can share an idea, feeling or just an image. I decided to do a photo a day after seeing many friends & people I follow do it. Being a photographer you'd think it would be easy. Big but here. Because I'm a photographer I tend to over analyse every shot. I'd like to be happy with every image, and being in busy wedding season, it has left little time to spare. I have given it a whirl though, and really enjoyed it.  The idea of making the everyday interesting to others is what really appealed to me.  Hope you like my look at life and what surrounds me.

Follow me @mpvnadine


Here's Day 10 - Can't live without {love}

I was going to use my daughter's hands, but it was past her bed time, so this is Dave's version of a heart.  It took a fair bit of maneuvering to get it right.
Love - what we all need everyday to inspire, dream and create.
Thanks Dave for letting your hands shape my thoughts xxx.